Karanga Ink specialises in traditional and contemporary Maori Ta Moko, Pacific Tatau, Indigenous, geometric, dotwork and illustrative tattoo. Our artists are passionate about their culture, their craft and have exceptionally high standards of health and hygiene.
They weave the mana of their ancestors into unique works of art using ancient patterns and symbology derived from the natural environment.
Tā moko designs
Each tā moko is uniquely designed and created through a collaborative process that reflects your personal story.
Ko Tongariro te Maunga Ko Taupo nui-a-Tia te Moana Ko Te Arawa te Waka Ko Tuwharetoa te Iwi Ko Te Heuheu te Tangata Ko Ngati Parekaawa te Hapu Ko Poukura te Marae Ko Pip Hartley toku ingoa
Pip Hartley’s devotion to Tā Moko is evident in her work, having a wealth of experience gained from travelling the world participating in various indigenous tattoo conventions, sharing her culture and fine-tuning her chosen art form since 2002. She has an innate ability to translate stories and flow with the contours of the body using both traditional and contemporary tools.
Back home, Pip is the mastermind behind indigenous tattoo studio Karanga Ink on Karangahape Road, Auckland. Pip's vision for Karanga Ink is to "enable indigenous artists of Aotearoa and across the globe to express their cultural heritage and offer a platform to share knowledge, skills and cultural understanding."
It is an elegantly beautiful and warm space for artists to showcase their work whilst celebrating Māori and Pacific indigenous tattoo. Sharing knowledge of ancient symbology through contemporary indigenous markings is one of the various ways how Pip serves her community, empowering the next generation of artists.
"It is an absolute privilege and honor to do this mahi and help assist in people's journey of healing and transformation."
The Process
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Think about what your intention is for this piece, why do you want it and for what reasons. Is it to represent your whakapapa (genecology)? Your whanau (family)? Loved ones that have passed?
Honouring your own transformation, trials and tribulations, strength, courage, protection?
Is it a momento piece of your travels to acknowledge the connection to our wonderful Papatuanuku (mother earth and Ranginui (sky father) the sea the land the people?
Ask yourself.. What is so significant to you that you wish to be constantly reminded of?
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Where on your body would you like it and how big or small? Knowing where you want it can be hard to decide for some people. It would help if this could be decided before or by the time of your appointment.
If you’re still unsure by the time you arrive for your appointment our artists can help you out. Our artists are professionals in their craft and will give you their honest opinions whether they think what you have in mind will flow nicely.
Particular shapes and sizes tend to fit better on body parts that resemble the same movement.
Try closing your eyes and imaging yourself with it. Where do you see it?
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Budget. Having an idea of the price range you will be willing to spend gives our artists an idea of how big or small and or how much time it will take.
Please be aware if you are wanting a large intricate piece, than it will take time so you will need to be flexible with your budget. After all, this will be a friend for life!
Our artists charge from$150-$200 per hour and with freehand pieces from the time they start drawing to completion.
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GET IN TOUCH! Now that you have listened to your inner calling for ink karanga mai! Give us a call, email or Click here and fill out the online form. Our studio manager will reply as soon as she can and answer all your queries.
If you have references or something in mind please email these with any explanations and if you like feel free to share your intentions of the story you would like to tell.
Hoi ano (however), in most cases you can share your story on the day of your appointment. If you are booking in for more of an illustrative piece than you are welcome to book in for a free consultation to discuss in more detail or via email so a pre draw can be prepared for you.
Please note that we do not email these out. They are presented on the day of booking or we can arrange an appointment for you to come view and discuss any changes.
Contact us to learn more
Let us tell your story through traditional tā moko